Being a Running Athlete

Hello, it’s me again. Right this time I’m about to tell you about one of my stories, not like those stories I’ve told you before. This story began at 13.07  at Friday. It was a hot day, and I was very sleepy at that time because I had already attend 2 lectures before. I went to Zakky’s boarding house after praying to kill the time. Well, at the same time as I arrived there, I got a message from Ms. Mega whom told me to returned her book because she needed it at that time.
I was very shocked because I didn’t know whereabout the book because the person whom was in charge of the book whereabout was my friend, let’s call her ‘N’. I have already gave the book to her so that she could make the copies of it at the photocopy center. But, when I tried to reached her she didn’t answer my call or my chat. So, I was stressed and tried to find her around Language Education and Literature Faculty building. I checked from the 1st floor to the top floor twice and I couldn’t find her. Then, I asked about her whereabout to one of my friend, let’s call her ‘O’ and ‘W’. O said that she probably on R’s boarding house with K.
So I forced W to show me the road and then off we went. After our ‘trip’ to get there, we made it and found N. Then, N said that the book was on the photocopy center beneath the Language Education and Literature Faculty building. Then, I took the money to paid the books and off I went back to the campus. After made it alive to the campus I took the book,  then paid the money, and I got to paid the extra Rp. 80.000,00 by my own money. And then ran without stopping to the faculty building nearside the Al-Furqon mosque. I delivered the book, and luckily, Ms. Mega didn’t get mad to me. 

(By :  Azhrian Abdurrahman - 1507046)
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