Fantasy VIII, the most unique series among all Final Fantasy series, in this
game, if you do the leveling until the top level without using any walkthrough,
you wouldn’t get much of a progress. Well, I have a good news, I have a unique
trick to maximize your MP and Attack. But, you need a lot of effort and time to
do this trick, let’s get started.
follow the storyline until you arrive on the story when Squall has to go to
Timber to fight Galbadian soldiers. Stick with the storyline and don’t do any
leveling until you meet the spiderlike robot that would chase you.
this is the most sacred part. If you follow the first step, you must obtained 3
Guardian Forces (Ifrit, Shiva, and Quezacotl) now. Now lock the Ifrit’s ability, Attack + 20%, and lock the Shiva’s
ability, Magic + 20%. After choose the abilities, fight the spiderlike monster
and keep beat him even he was done already to gain 60 AP. After beat that
monster for the first round, you have already unlocked the abilities you
locked. Well, then keep do the same thing and keep repeat it until you unlocked
the ability Attack Bonus and Magic Bonus.
this step is quite hard, you have to go to Exercise Center to do the leveling
until the maximal level. Don’t forget to equip Ifrit and Shiva to use their
Attack Bonus ability and Magic Bonus ability. The function of Magic Bonus
ability is to increase your Magic point up to 1 each time your level
increasing, and Attack Bonus ability has the same effect but it increasing the
Attack point.
do step 3 to every playable character to maximize the MP and the Attack. If
you’re in a party of three, kill one or two of your friends and let them dead
and you have to equip the Shiva and Ifrit while doing the leveling, keep
repeating this step to all characters.
(By: Azhrian Abdurrahman - 1507046)