Windows 10

Windows 10 is the newest operating system which has been released by Microsoft. It was known in public on October 2014 which was a beta version. So many consumers had tested the Windows.Because of that, it is released on 29th of July 2015.
Windows 10 is launched to overcome a weakness of interface of the previous version of windows and it will give good experiences for consumers who use non-touch devices. Because on the previous version, many critics tell that on touch-oriented interface of windows 8.1 still has a regression. And it makes some improvements on windows 10 of capabilities and integrities. And therefore, Windows 10 is called all-in-one devices operating system, because it is provided for many devices such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
Besides of giving good experiences for the first time users, windows 10 have many features which are different from the other version. One of a new feature is a Task View. It will allow you to open all your windows tabs and you can switch it screen by screen. Start Menu which is used on the windows 10, display all list of the items or installed program. This menu can be resized and expanded into a full-screen interface which is a default option in Tablet Mode. Tablet Mode is a new mode which is provided in windows 10. It allows you to touch the screen if your devices have touchable features.On the other version of windows 10 offered a security features which can block applications from accessing encryption data. And it can set up administrator policies for automatic encryption of sensitive data. The new online feature on windows 10 is Microsoft Edge. It is a web browser like Internet Explorer 11 but it is designed and maintained on windows 10 purposes. A new music player is called Music. It is a new design of window media player which has a music store.
The system requirements for installing windows 10 must be considered attentively. Your devices must be at least like this;the processor must be 1 GHz or higher, RAM must be at least 1 GB, your graphic card must have a direct 9.0 at least, and the hard disk space must be at least 16 GB for 32 bit version and 20 GB for 64 bit version.
Windows 10 has received many positive reviews from consumers from its original released on July 2015. And this Windows 10 is hoped that it will bring a good changing on this era of the computer technology. So Microsoft aims for all the consumers to have Windows 10 installed on at least one billion devices in the two to three years after it’s released.

(By : Ahmad Zaelani - 1500910)

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